Smarter Cambridge Transport

Author - Edward Leigh

Too much busway, too little station

Two more public consultations recently launched illustrate just how out-of-step with the times transport authorities are.

Government must give citizens a voice

We need to provide resources to enable community groups to organise themselves and employ experts – just as economic stakeholders do.

Making the Highway Code safer for people

The Highway Code is up for revision with a view to reinforcing the rights and protections of people walking, cycling or riding a horse.

UK Climate Assembly shows a way forward

108 people met over six weekends earlier this year to consider how the UK should decarbonise transport, energy, food and other things we buy.

Too many jobs and not enough houses

Local authorities are so consumed with delivering new homes, they have failed to keep track of how many jobs they are allowing to be created.

A vision for Waterbeach transport

How we can spend far less than the estimated £250 million to dual the A10 and build the Waterbeach busway, and benefit thousands more people.

Reimagining our highways

Communities are starting to reimagine their streets. Start a conversation with neighbours and ask your councillors to help make it a reality.

How can we fix the broken planning system?

The mechanism for setting priorities locally (the ‘Local Plan’) is no longer fit for purpose. But the government’s proposed solution is worse.

Design for the future, not the past

With at least another £200 million to spend, the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) is gearing up to push ahead with developments that are all anachronisms.

A revolution in transport is afoot

When we see the government reallocate the new-roads budget to public transport we will know it is seriously committed to restoring the environment.

What is the future for rail franchising?

Will the government choose TfL-style franchising as its preferred model to ensure continuity of services whilst keeping operations in the private sector?

Why consultations aren’t helping

To de-carbonise the economy, restore balance with nature, enhance public health and promote social justice, we have to do government differently.

How much do you value your journey time?

Why would you support a congestion charge? Probably because the journey time is sufficiently shortened or you’re given a better value alternative to driving.