Smarter Cambridge Transport

The folly and irresponsibility of these transport plans

Transport modelling for the next Local Plan concludes that the current proposals, majoring on expanding existing settlements (Cambridge, Cambourne, Northstowe and Waterbeach), are “capable of being accommodated on the local transport network in Greater Cambridge.” Job done?

The new Local Plan builds on the current one. That already paves the way for a 39% increase in housing and (a less certain) 36% increase in jobs from 2015. The consequences have yet to play out, as only a fifth of the planned new housing has so far been built.

The transport modelling suggests the current and next Local Plans will ultimately lead to an increase in total vehicle-mileage in Greater Cambridge of around a third. That means more congestion, more CO2 emissions, more air pollution and more road deaths.

I thought our local authorities had committed to reducing all of these?

Vehicle-mileage will increase despite the construction of Cambridge South railway station, East West Rail, four new busways, five large Park & Ride car parks, and ten new cycleways into Cambridge. That is in part because dualling the A428 west of Cambourne and the A10 between Cambridge and Ely will encourage people to drive more, rather than use public transport or cycle.

But there’s worse to come.

The transport modelling assumes a huge expansion of Park & Ride from the 7,000 parking spaces we have now (including at Longstanton and St Ives) to 33,000. Sites close to Hauxton, Foxton, Babraham, Hardwick and Waterbeach are expected to provide another 7,000 spaces. But where will the other 19,000 spaces go? That’s a new car park the size of Babraham P&R every year from 2022 to 2039!

So, we build eighteen new 1,500-space car parks to serve just 3% of all trips, urbanising huge tracts of South Cambridgeshire countryside, and still end up with a third more traffic on roads around Cambridge, blighting South Cambridgeshire villages with more congestion, air pollution, deaths and injuries.

Surely the folly and irresponsibility of this must be apparent to planners? And why aren’t they being up-front about it with residents and councillors?

*Increase in total motor vehicle mileage in the Greater Cambridge region

This article was first published in the Cambridge Independent on 6 October 2021.

Edward Leigh

Edward Leigh is the leader of Smarter Cambridge Transport, chair and independent co-opted member of the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel, chair of the South Petersfield Residents Association, business owner, consultant, and occasional blogger about making the world and Cambridge a better place to live.

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  • Edward, I should correct parts of the paragraph stating: “The new Local Plan builds on the current one. That already paves the way for a 39% increase in housing and (a less certain) 36% increase in jobs from 2015. The consequences have yet to play out, as only a fifth of the planned new housing has so far been built.”

    You are right in that the emerging Local Plan builds on the current one. There are 37,198 in the pipeline of allocations in the current adopted local plans of 2018 and existing permissions and windfalls. That is 76% of the total figure of assessed need.

    The emerging new plan proposes to increase delivery on existing settlements of Northstowe by 750, Waterbeach by 750 through faster delivery & Eddington by 1000 through densification making 2500 from those three existing sites.

    Then 19 new sites are proposed to deliver 9096 through 2 new settlements, expanding one and smaller sites across the area. So the emerging plan proposes to add a total of 11596 to what is in current pipeline. That is 24% new housing on top of existing pipeline.